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Find the best talent for your company!

See how Jobbri will help you do that.

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Getting started

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What can you experience on Jobbri as an employer?

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Post Jobs

We offer 4 types of jobs: Free, Standard, Advanced and Premium; they differ in prices and the more expensive the ad is, the higher it goes on the listing. 

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Jobbri Coins

Internal paying system which doesn’t work with real money but with so called Jobbri Coins. You can buy packages with Jobbri Coins and use them for any feature on the platform such as job types, candidates’ info, adverts and more.

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Boosted Companies

Banners and logo on the homepage - you can use credits to post your logo or a banner on Jobbri’s Homepage.

What information you receive when using Jobbri Coins?

  • See candidates’ profile before paying, however you cannot see their contact info.
  • Compare candidates before you pay to see who is the best fit for your company
  • Filter applicants by categories such as location, preferred salary, driving license, language, skills, experience, education and many more.
  • See if the candidate has been active recently
  • When you buy candidates’ contact info, you can see their email address, telephone number and address or you can chat directly to them through our online chat feature. 
  • Schedule and conduct online interviews directly on our platform.
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Posting a Job

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How to publish a job advert on Jobbri?

Choose your Job Package

Free, Standard, Advanced and Premium; they differ in prices and the more expensive the ad is, the higher it goes on the listing. 

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Fill out the main info

Enter your Job Title, choose if you want to conduct the interview remotely and fill the description box, where you give the talents the overview of your Job.

Your Jobs’ core

Your Job requirements, benefits and responsibilities shall be carefully filled to inform the candidates right.

Category, Location & Languages

Specify in which category does your position fit perfectly, point the jobs’ location and choose the languages that are required for this position.

Job Type & Level

Choose the job type - full time, part time, etc. as well the Position Level - from Internship to Director.


You can inform the candidates about the salary (optional) and add an additional agreement to your job advert.

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And that’s it! You’re ready to publish your job!

External Application Link

If you prefer it that way, for just 20 Jobbri Coins, you can forward the Apply button i.e. to your company’s website.

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Explore Talents

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How to find the best-matching talent?

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Use the Search Engine

On Jobbri we’ve integrated our so called “Talent Search Engine”, where you can search for candidates based on your requirements.

Check the Talent’s list

After specifying your requirements and filtering the talents you’ll get a list with the best-matching options, of which you can choose from.

Wait… That’s not everything

Talent’s profile

When you select a talent, you will see all of their professional data, exempt their contact info, which you can unlock with Jobbri Coins.

Compare Talents

You’ve liked some people, but you have only 1 position available? Don’t worry - on Jobbri you can compare the talents by certain criteria.

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Jobbri Beginner Course!