Jobbri is here to give you some great tips on how to start your career after graduation, so read carefully!
Published: 02/01/2023
You've just graduated and don't know how to start your career? Recent graduates are currently facing countless challenges in a changing labour market and this might be damaging for their future realisation.
Unless you are already overloaded with offers, getting your first job in the exact area you've studied for might be extremely hard, especially with the ongoing events all over the world.
Jobbri is here to give you some great tips on how to start your career after graduation, so read carefully!
Jobbri's tips on how to find a good job after college
The main thing you have to do is to prepare for a big search. Create an exquisite CV, present a high-quality portfolio, and don’t be afraid of trying until you find your place.
Remember that there’re many ways you can practice what you've learned at the university. You can start with a personality test to find what you're most likely to be looking for in one job and then – go after it. You will be surprised how many professional courses out there might be helpful if you want to keep growing in a certain work area.
You can get extra qualifications for a better chance in a well-paid company. Start by reviewing available jobs and selecting those that match your skills and interests.
· Build a network of contacts and get recommendations
Establishing a network of contacts is a major step towards finding a new job. Start with family and friends. You will be surprised how much you can learn from them.
In addition to your closest connections, consider joining your former colleagues from university, or make a profile on LinkedIn and start connecting with people from different industries. It’s important not only to speak to potential employers, but also to reach out to other candidates just like yourself. This can be of great help for you in the near future.
· Adjust your CV to different job vacancies
Once you've listed some of the jobs you like, take a look at the key words that appear in your job description. What types of skills and qualities do employers seek and what do they value the most? Include the same phrases when writing down your qualities and qualifications.
This is important because many employers use software to rank incoming applications based on relevance. Such are keywords that match the job description perfectly.
If you are applying for jobs with different keywords, you have to create multiple versions of your CV, in order to highlight the most relevant skills in each application. Since you have just graduated, employers will be interested to see a summary of your training, so don't forget to add this as well.
· Show that you're motivated
Always show how motivated you're and that you're open to new opportunities. Pay attention to the last phrase in your CV or cover letter. These phrases can help you get the recognition you deserve. For example, you could write that you're focused on personal and professional development in the IT sector and plan to complete training courses or get additional higher education on this topic in the future.
· Pay attention to your social media accounts
If you have social media accounts, it's time to take them seriously. Are they harmful to your reputation and can you benefit from them while looking for a job? You can check your privacy settings and hide or delete anything that might deliver a wrong message to your potential employer.
Focus on creating and sharing content that represents your skills and interests - for example, start following industry leaders or companies that you're interested in. Create a posting schedule and share posts about industry developments, your qualifications and how a company can benefit from working with you. Join work-related groups and participate in different discussions.
· Practice for your interview
You can start preparing for interviews earlier, so you know what to do when you get invited to one. Although it’s impossible to know what you will be asked exactly during the interview, there are ways to improve your body language and overall presentation.
Starting your career after graduation is a mission possible if you know how to prepare for it. Be confident and courageous, and don't forget that the perfect CV is the first step to success.
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